Sunday, January 10, 2010

Video games

If you see my profile you'll know I'm not spring rooster, but I still enjoy playing some video games.

I've never been a 'first-person-shooter' type person, though I've played and enjoyed several mixed genre f-p-s games, most notably "Dead Space". Deed Space incorporated the 'f-p-s' into a sci-fi/horror game. Nothing like dismembering human/alien mutants in a ship that is more claustrophobic then the Nostromo... or any haunted house in a movie.
I also enjoyed playing Assassin's Creed, another sci-fi themed game, where you are held captive and you are subjected to being tested and analyzed in a manner that your DNA or 'genetic-memory' takes you back to the life of one of your fore-fathers in the time of the crusades... your memories are of Altair, an assassin who you get to control... even though the events have already happened.

Both games feature almost realistic cutscenes and the game play movement is very realistic.
We've come a long way from the first Nintendo game console I owned almost 25 years ago.
Now, between my son and I, we have PS3, XBox, Wii, PSP, and a DSi.
Me, I like Sony electronics, always have from stereo equipment in the 70's, TV's in the 80's and 90's to gaming consoles in the 2000's.

Anyway, I hope my son doesn't kill me when he finds I returned to my video game first-love of Role Playing Games on his PSP by downloading Final Fantasy VIII.
I LOVE ALL THE FINAL FANTASY GAMES I'VE PLAYED and was excited to see this game in particular as I never played it.
To date, my favorite has been, FF7, but I've talked to many that love 8 and read posts from many, many more that prefer 8 to all others. So now I'll get to see.

Check out this clip from FF7 of the best 'bad guy' in video game history...

Sony's PlayStation Network is starting to add older 'classic' video games to it's list of down loadable games.
Heck, $10.00 American isn't bad for any FF game!

So I think I'll start playing it, or at least watching the opening scenes as soon as I post this message.
This is the perfect time of the year for video games. It's about 18 degrees F. outside right now and it's mid-day. Even our dog doesn't want to go out!
IT will take me weeks, or perhaps months to complete this game, It's long and I've just started school and so time will be minimized for me.

That's it for now...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year... A New Doctor!

Born in the U.S. in the late 50's I grew up a child of the 'space race' and the original Star Trek, loved Forbidden Planet and The Day The Earth Stood Still.
I still love sci-fi today more then any other genre... the only thing worse then a young nerd, is an old nerd.

As far as TV, Babylon 5 is my all-time favorite show, and I contend, it is still the best sci-fi story to ever grace American TV screens. You can't get much more geeky then that... unless you know my second favorite show of all time is Doctor Who... The ultimate in geekiness.
I've watched the BBC's, Doctor Who since the mid-80's when Public Broadcasting aired the first Tom Baker episode, 'Robot' . I followed the show through Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christoper Eccleston, and most recently David Tennant. PBS eventually went back and ran Doctor's 1 - 3 respectively William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and Jon Pertwee.
(Peter Cushing also played The Doctor in two British-made movies in the mid-60's... looooove those Daleks!)
As a result, I have every (available) episode in some recorded media, be it video tape, DVD, or on my DVR.

For those that haven't followed the show, you noticed I've mentioned different actors playing the part of The Doctor. For a show that is has first aired the night President Kennedy was assassinated in November of 1963, it was inevitable the show would have to change actors sometime... of course no one suspected the show would still be running 47 years later. There was a 16 year suspension of the series between 1989 and 2005, with the exception of an ill fated made-for-TV movie in 1996 in which they somewhat tried to 'Americanize' The Doctor...  what a waste of a potentially good actor for the part.
How do they successfully change the actor of the main character of a show and make it work???
Well, The Doctor is an alien, a Timelord to be exact. When a Timelord is severely injured they have a way to 'cheat' death... they regenerate into a different looking humanoid up to 12 times.

Regardless, January 1st in England, and the 2nd, in The U.S. viewer of the show saw the end of an era that brought the show to world-wide attention. David Tennant, the actor that picked up the torch of departing actor Christopher Eccleston (who is the fine actor that was part of the resurrection of the series in 2005... look for him an a film in production in which he plays John Lennon) left the show in a flash of light and destruction as he 'regenerated' into an new Doctor played by Matt Smith.
Smith is Doctor number 11, meaning there should only be one regeneration left. Of course sci-fi always allows for writers to come up with way to change the rules. The Doctor's arch enemy; The Master is well past his 12th regeneration and look pretty spry most recently in the form of actor John Simm.

Okay, I'll stop blathering and get to what I wanted to post...


Things to come this spring...